You need an Objective Statement!
There are a lot of people out there who say you don’t need to include an Objective Statement on a resume. They say it’s not important. That it’s outdated. Well, I disagree.
A strong, concise Objective Statement can go a long way. First off, it immediately tells the reader what job you are applying for. That can be a big deal when you’re submitting your resume to an HR representative who has their hands full with many different openings. Recruiters as well. And if you’re a seasoned manager, you don’t want to get thrown in the pile with the mail clerks, right?
Not only that, but an effective Objective Statement will briefly summarize your qualifications so a hiring manager can make an instantaneous decision whether or not to keep reading. They do that anyways, so why not address their needs in the intro and add value by showing them what you have to offer right off the bat.
Remember, I’m only talking about one sentence here. One sentence to market yourself. One sentence to spark their interest. And therein lies the art. You don’t want to give the reader too much to think about. Rather, you want them to proceed on and read the rest of your resume. So grab their attention, establish your professional identity, show them your value, and let them move to the good stuff!
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