Are you from Canada? Do you have questions about your marijuana resume? Well, don’t let the fact that I live in work in the US stop you from contacting me. I have worked with all sorts of cannabis professionals from BC to PEI, and if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that a quality resume transcends borders. As an example, a resume for a master grower in Denver, CO will look very similar to a resume for a master grower in Moosejaw, SK. The formats are the same in both countries, so it’s really just a matter of CONTENT…what does your resume SAY?
Canada Marijuana Resume
If you’re a Canadian citizen and looking for a job in the cannabis industry then you should start with a quality resume that targets your desired positions and highlights your most relevant skills and achievements. And if you’re not particularly confident in your skills as a writer and/or marketer, then it’s a good idea to talk to a professional resume writer. Maybe one with years of experience in the industry? Maybe one with extremely affordable prices? Wink, wink…
All kidding aside, my point is this: There is no difference between a US marijuana resume and a Canada marijuana resume. So don’t get hung up on that. Instead, focus on creating a top-notch resume that will land you some interviews and help you get your foot in the door. And if you need some assistance, I’m here to help. After all, it’s what I do!